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justin w is the google blog deindexing contractor

Google is hiring the services of specialized deindexing contractors like justin w to find out the domains owned by google competitors and systematically deindex them in google, so that it becomes extremely difficult for link sellers to make any money online
The cunning justin w, pretends to be a link buyer, when he is providing google with lists of websites owned by link sellers
The first email from justin w came on 22 September 2016, the day when google deindexed a large number of wordpress blogs owned by a google competitor who has been subjected to identity theft
Though a list of 30-40 websites were provided, only one post was purchased on, indicating that google would ensure that the google competitor who has been subjected to identity theft would not make any money online, it would be a non profit
He also indicated that his aim was to ensure that the google competitor who has been subjected to identity theft only made $40-$50 a month

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